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PreHospen 2016 : PreHospen Conference, Borås, Sweden, 10-11 March 2016


When Mar 10, 2016 - Mar 11, 2016
Where University of Borås, Sweden
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2015
Categories    emergency   prehospital   ambulance   medicine

Call For Papers

Welcome to the 7th PreHospen Conference in Prehospital Emergency Care at the University of Borås, 10-11 March 2016.

We are happy to welcome you to Western Sweden and Borås for a new PreHospen Conference. Our goal is to stimulate knowledge development within dispatch, ambulance emergency care, emergency rooms, and primary and regional healthcare. Moreover, we offer opportunities to make new contacts, or maintain established ones, for professionals and researchers.

All who work in some way with, or are affected by, prehospital emergency medical care are welcome. There will be something of interest for all conference participants regardless of previous experience or which profession you represent.

The PreHospen Conference 2016 welcomes abstracts within prehospital emergency medical services, particularly contributions that relate to the conference’s themes:

1. Value-based healthcare—improved patient safety
2. Early assessments and treatments
3. Prehospital eHealth
4. The dispatch centre’s impossible task
5. Healthcare in war and peace/catastrophe healthcare
6. Prehospital research—obstacles and opportunities
7. The work environment of ambulance medical services

Two presentation categories are offered: oral presentations or poster presentations.

Oral presentation: You will present your abstract in a session during one of the conference’s two days. You have 15 minutes plus five minutes for questions at your disposal.

Poster: If you would like to present your study or project as a poster, you will be given a spot in the conference’s poster presentation area. You are expected to be available to answer questions and present your poster during a special poster session. The poster format works well for projects or presentations with much visual material or which are best demonstrated with illustrations or photos rather than text. Kindly contact conference staff if you would like to include video or moving images.

Abstracts may have a maximum of 300 words, excluding references.

All abstracts must be submitted via an online system.

The system will open 1 September here on the conference’s website.

Abstracts should be submitted by the deadline of Monday, 30 November, 23:59 CET. Abstracts should be written in English.

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously (double-blind) by two members of the programme committee. Accepted contributions will be published in the conference’s programme book and in Diva (an open electronic archive).

The best contribution within each theme and the best poster(s) will be selected and receive special recognition.

You can choose to participate in the entire two-day programme of the conference or for one day only.

Important dates:

Tuesday, 1 September: Abstract submission system opens
Monday, 30 November, 23:59, Central European Time: Deadline for abstract submission
Tuesday, 15 December: Notification of abstract acceptance
Friday, 19 February 2016: Last day for conference registration

Welcome to the PreHospen Conference 2016!

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