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ONDM 2016 : 2016 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling


Conference Series : Optical Network Design and Modelling
When May 9, 2016 - May 12, 2016
Where Cartagena, Spain
Submission Deadline Feb 14, 2016
Notification Due Mar 9, 2016
Final Version Due Mar 21, 2016
Categories    optical networking   sdn & nfv   optical systems

Call For Papers


ONDM 2016
20th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling
May 9-12, 2016 - Cartagena, Spain

Selected papers will be invited to submit to an extended version to ONDM 2016 Special Issue in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking.

Technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Communications Society.


Submission deadline: February 14, 2016 (Extended)
Notification of acceptance: March 9, 2016
Camera ready papers: March 21, 2016


Following the tradition of previous editions of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference, ONDM 2016 will address cutting-edge research in established areas such as optical networking, optical systems, as well as emerging topics like novel Internet architectures, new optical network architectures for the Cloud/DataCenter, wireless optical networks, photonic integrated networks and SDN-NFV developments in optical networks.


The scope of the conference includes but is not limited to the following topics:

* Advances in optical network theory and modeling
* Routing and spectrum assignment and flex-grid optical networks
* Optical networks for future Internet design
* Optical network control and management
* Energy efficiency in optical networks
* Optical network survivability
* Novel architectures for optical routers and switches
* Optical networks to support cloud computing
* Software defined optical networking and network function virtualization (NFV)
* Optical access network architectures and protocols
* Techno-economic analysis of optical networks
* High speed optical LANs including optical wireless networks
* Field trials, new applications and experiments in optical networking
* Convergence of optical and wireless networks
* Security and privacy in optical networks
* Protection and resiliency in optical networks
* Inter- and intra- datacenter optical networks
* Optical networks exploiting photonic integrated circuits
* Interoperation between power (smart) grid and optical networks
* Optical infrastructure for 5G mobile/wireless


Authors must submit full papers (minimum 3 pages and maximum 6 pages in standard IEEE conference style, describing original, previously unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing forefront research and development in the area of optical network design and modeling. Selected papers will be invited to submit to an extended version to ONDM 2016 Special Issue in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. All submissions must be done through EDAS using the following link: Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process.

During the initial paper submission process via EDAS, authors are required to make sure that the PDF file and EDAS registration page of a paper have the same list of authors and paper title, namely add all authors in EDAS during the submission process. The author list of an accepted paper can NOT be changed in the final manuscript. At least 1 author of accepted papers must be registered to the conference as presenter in order to appear in the proceedings at IEEEXplore.

Please contact if you have any questions about submitting your paper.


The conference will take place at the School of Telecommunications, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain.


Pablo Pavón Mariño, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain


Tibor Cinkler, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Hungary
Nina Skorin-Kapov, Centro Universitario de Defensa de San Javier, Spain
Massimo Tornatore, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and University of California, Davis, United States

For more information, please visit:

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