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WELSC 2018 : Washington Ethical Leadership Summit and Conference


When Apr 30, 2018 - May 1, 2018
Where Fairfax, VA (40 min from D.C.)
Abstract Registration Due Mar 10, 2018
Submission Deadline Jan 10, 2018
Notification Due Mar 30, 2018
Final Version Due Apr 15, 2018
Categories    ethics   public policy   leadership   law

Call For Papers

Today, the question of ethics in politics and its importance for the sustenance of the democratic norms and institution is more important than ever. (Un)ethical leadership affects everyone and has the tremendous implications for our political and economic life. The Summit and Conference will address these implications in a day-two event. The Summit (April 29) under the theme “A Global Catalyst for Change” will feature keynote addresses and a series of discussions a, and the Conference (May 2) will bring academics and practitioners to present their research, experiences and findings on these issues.

The Conference seek to address the questions; What is the role of ethics in the American society and around the world today? What are the major ethical challenges societies are experiencing and how are they being addressed? How do we find and develop ethical leaders? How do we as citizens and professionals respond to new ethical dilemmas? Participants are invited to submit proposals in these

Thematic Areas:
1. Ethical Traditions and What They Teach Us
2. (Un)ethical Behavior and the Political Process
3. Agencies and Governments Responding to Ethical Dilemmas
4. Ethical issues and National Leaders
5. Normative Changes and Global Politics
6. Developing Ethical Responses and Leadership
7. Perspective of a Whistleblower

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