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IVAE 2016 : 1st Workshop on Intelligent Virtual and Augmented Environments


When Mar 19, 2016 - Mar 19, 2016
Where Greenville, South Carolina, USA
Abstract Registration Due Jan 25, 2016
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2016
Notification Due Feb 14, 2016
Final Version Due Feb 29, 2016
Categories    virtual reality   artificial intelligence   augmented reality

Call For Papers

Todays Virtual Environments (VEs) exhibit impressive functional aspects for various application areas and many provide a vivid and engaging interaction and an increased output fidelity. Still, some of the potential future directions of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) require an increased incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). When the focus is on natural, context-sensitive, and computer-assisted forms of interaction, as well as on adaptive and personalized interfaces, scientific knowledge about Intelligent and Augmented Virtual Environments (IVAE) is needed by both the research community and the industry. IVAEs combine AI methods and techniques, e.g., search strategies, semantic representations, behavior models or machine learning etc. with methods from interactive graphics to drastically increase the capabilities of the artificial environments. The application areas range from smart virtual objects, intelligent data analysis and preparation, system engineering, multimodal and adaptive interfaces, to (humanoid) agents, computer games and many more.

Today, current results in the field of IVAEs are scattered across various scientific areas. We have impressive use-cases and prototype applications. Yet, we are far from any coherent body of knowledge about the potential, the requirements, or well-defined sets of best practices which would provide a stable basis for further progress in the field of IVAEs. The goals of this workshop is to provide a platform to initiate a closer collaboration between researchers in this field, to collect and document approved as well as novel approaches of IVAEs, to identify potential use-cases, applications, and AI methods and to come to a better understanding of resulting requirements and side-effects in the development and use of IVAEs. We expect researchers to submit state-of-the-art reports, best practices, early work, new models, new frameworks, original approaches, non conventional applications, analyses of user studies in the area of IVAEs. Topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Models, Methods, and Techniques: Ontological modeling, semantic and knowledge based models, machine learning, search strategies, cognitive models, behavior models, co-adaptation models, adaptive models, multi-agent and service oriented architectures, instructional design principles or design patterns, simulation-based, etc.

Use-cases and Evaluation: Agents based interaction, multimodal interaction, collaborative, ubiquitous and mobile interaction, user-studies, empirical studies of interaction, applications for IVAE in industry, training, and games.



We seek contributions in the following formats:

I) Research Papers (4-8 pages): Novel results in the field in the above mentioned categories related to IVAE development.
II) Position Papers (4-8 pages): Interesting and possibly controversial points of view of technical or technological advancements and approaches to foster a discussion at the event.
III) State-of-the-Art Reports (4-8 pages): Summary of relevant work, potentially highlighting a longer series of prior achievements and approaches of a certain group or of in a certain area.

Contributions are planned to be included and indexed in the IEEE digital library. Papers must be written in English and follow the IEEE Computer Society format found at:

Abstracts, full papers, and camera-ready versions have to be submitted electronically using the conference management below.

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