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SWIE 2010 : Social Media and Web 2.0 as an Intelligent Environment Workshop


When Jul 18, 2010 - Jul 18, 2010
Where Monash University Malaysia
Submission Deadline May 18, 2010
Notification Due Jun 8, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 22, 2010
Categories    social media   intelligent environments   web 2.0

Call For Papers

SWIE 2010: The Social Media and Web 2.0 as an Intelligent Environment Workshop
[update: recently revised deadlines]
in conjunction with IE'10 at Monash University Malaysia, 18-21 July 2010.

SWIE aims to bring together researchers and practitioners of social media and its related technologies to
discuss social media on the web as an intelligent environment. The workshop intends to discuss issues
related to social media on the web, including, but not limited to its potential applications, benefits,
and issues.

SWIE also has the goal of discovering how social media could be an extension of the real world, by discussing
on how social media technologies affect users in real life, how it could be leveraged to help solve
problems and improve the quality of life, and how social media becomes a social enabler in the real world.
Discussion on social media and the Social Web is not limited to the field of information technology per se,
but also related areas such as the arts, humanities, engineering, multimedia and information science.

Themes include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Online social networks (e.g. Facebook)
* Blogging and the blogosphere
* Microblogging and its applications (e.g. Twitter)
* User-generated media and content (e.g. Youtube, Flickr)
* Crowdsourcing, collaboration, and problem solving (e.g. Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers)
* Social content sharing, discovery, and bookmarking (e.g. Digg,
* The Social Web's online communities and the real world
* Entertainment as a form of social media (e.g. MMORPGs)
* Presence in an intelligent online environment (e.g. geotagging, status updates)
* The dynamics of the Social Web: user interactions, online habits and recent trends
* Social media aggregation: unifying multiple online social media identities
* Privacy implications of using social media
* Viral information spread, memetics, subcultures, and phenomena in an online environment
* Social media and popular culture
* Paradigm shifts: how social media changes the way we do things
* Applications of social media sites in activism, collective action and awareness campaigns
* Leveraging the Social Web in times of crisis and emergency
* Case studies and deployments

(Updated May 2010)
Here is a list of important SWIE 2010 dates to mark on your calendar:

Paper submission by authors: 18th of May
Author notifications: 8th of June
Authors' camera-ready submission: 22nd of June
SWIE Workshop Date: 18-19 July 2010
Published proceedings: mid August (reaching authors in mid September)

For SWIE2010, we follow the guidelines set out by IE'10 for the paper formatting, as follows (adapted from IE'10):

* The Proceedings for the Workshops co-located with IE'10 will be published by IOS Press.
* Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers including results, figures and references in the IOS Press format.
o Full papers - no more than ten (10) pages for full papers
o Poster/short papers - not more than four (4) pages for posters
* The template (LaTeX or Word) is available as an attachment on
* All papers submitted to SWIE2010 must be unpublished previously and may not be undergoing consideration for
publication elsewhere during SWIE2010's review period.
* Papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Authors must not include their names and affiliations in
submitted papers to ensure unbiased reviews.
* Authors are responsible for having their papers checked for style and grammar prior to submission to SWIE2010.
* After being accepted, you will be requested to submit a final version of the paper, incorporating any feedback
from the reviewers together with a copyright agreement. The final PDF should NOT have any page numbers, footers or headers.
* Also, after being accepted, kindly ensure that you abide by the exact deadlines for submission at Important Dates
to ensure timely publication of your paper in the proceedings.

Submission details:
Kindly submit your paper to the SWIE2010 submission system at
We look forward to your contribution!

Any queries, comments, suggestions? Email us at swie2010 (AT)

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