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VEE 2017 : 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments


Conference Series : Virtual Execution Environments
When Apr 8, 2016 - Apr 9, 2016
Where Xian, China
Abstract Registration Due Nov 23, 2016
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2016
Notification Due Feb 6, 2017
Final Version Due Mar 10, 2017
Categories    virtual machines   hypervisors   JIT   operating systems

Call For Papers

Virtualization has a central role in modern systems. It constitutes a key aspect in a wide range of environments, from small mobile computing devices to large-scale data centers and computational clouds. Virtualization techniques encompass the underlying hardware, the operating system, and the runtime system. Although these layers have different design and implementation techniques, the fundamental challenges and insights tend to be similar.

The 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’17) brings together researchers and practitioners from different computer systems domains to interact and share ideas in order to advance the state of the art of virtualization and broaden its applicability. VEE’17 accepts both full-length and short papers. Both types of submissions are reviewed to the same standards and differ primarily in the scope of the ideas expressed. Short papers are limited to half the space of full-length papers. The program committee will not accept a full paper on the condition that it is cut down to fit in a short paper slot, nor will it invite short papers to be extended to full length. Submissions will be considered only in the category in which they are submitted.

Short papers are relatively new to VEE. An ideal short paper would express an idea that doesn’t require 12 pages to describe or evaluate. The ideas should be well formed and complete just like those in a full-length paper. A short paper should not be a HotOS / HotStorage-style workshop paper with an interesting idea that isn’t yet fully developed. Short papers will be held to the same standard as full-length papers in terms of clarity of presentation and evaluation, however, the scope of the work as well as the breadth of the evaluation is expected to be smaller.

We invite authors to submit original papers related to virtualization across all layers of the software stack down to the microarchitectural level. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- architecture support for virtualization;
- compiler and programming language support for virtualization;
- managed runtimes and virtual machines;
- management technologies for virtual environments;
- memory management;
- operating system support for virtualization;
- performance analysis and debugging for virtual environments;
- runtime system support for virtualization;
- security and virtual environments
- virtual I/O, storage, and networking;
- virtualization in cloud computing
- virtualization support for programs and programmers;
- virtualization technologies applied to specific problem domains such as HPC, realtime, and power management.

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