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Link: http://hada.ii.uam.es/umadr2010/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce and invite you to submit a paper to the: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON USER MODELING AND ADAPTATION FOR DAILY ROUTINES (UMADR'2010): PROVIDING ASSISTANCE TO PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL AND SPECIFIC NEEDS http://hada.ii.uam.es/umadr2010 Big Island of Hawaii, June 21st, 2010 At The 18th Intl. Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2010)(http://www.hawaii.edu/UMAP2010/) CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS IMPORTANT DATES =============== * Paper submission: March 29th, 2010, Extended Dealine: now April 12th, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: May 3rd, 2010 * Camera-ready version of accepted papers: May 24th, 2010 * Workshop: June 21st, 2010 (afternoon) MOTIVATION ========== During our life, we are involved in a huge variety of activities that we constantly repeat associated to diverse contexts. These activities can be related to domestic routines, working tasks, everyday urban-life, and so on. However, not all users have the same capabilities. For example, whilst travelling in public transportation can be trivial for some users, it can be quite hard for others (i.e., elder people, or those with cognitive limitations or motor disabilities). The same happens with most daily routines. Similarly, during each day, there are a lot of decisions to be taken, both in regular situations (e.g. "what would I buy for tonight dinner?") and in unexpected ones (e.g.: "the underground is not working, how will I go home now?"). While some users can take this type of decisions with an insignificant effort, it may not be easy at all for others. For example, it seems to be more complicated for users with special needs (such as those with psychological or cognitive limitations), or users facing situation for the first time. The main aim of this workshop is to bring light about how adaptive methods and techniques can be used to help users (with some kind of either disability or specific need) to accomplish daily tasks and to take decisions, both in foreseen and unforeseen situations, considering their capabilities, preferences and needs in each context. In this direction, modeling user's capabilities, limitations and needs is an essential task. The workshop targets work on analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of adaptive models, methodologies, systems or technologies to assist users with special/specific needs daily, with special emphasis on major trends in: modeling user features, limitations and special/specific needs; representing daily activities and potential problems during the day; designing and building adaptive assistants for daily routines; and evaluating the use of this type of assistants. The workshop will focus on the following key questions to be discussed: * Which are the difficulties and the potential solutions for helping the users to carry out routine tasks? * How can usual tasks and expected/unexpected situations be modeled? * Which aspects of the user (capabilities, preferences, personality, cognitive limitations, motor disabilities, affective states, context, etc.) should be taken into account to assist to users in their daily routines at different contexts, such as home, work, transport, learning, leisure, etc.? * What adaptation methods and techniques are more appropriate for adaptive assistance in daily activities? * How should adaptive systems? potential trade-offs (e.g. proactivity, predictability, privacy) be managed in the context of adaptive assistants for daily routines? * How can recommendations of context-based adaptive assistants for daily routines be evaluated? * Which experiences exist in this research area? TOPICS ====== The workshop focuses on, but is not restricted to, the following topics: * User modeling: special/specific needs * Context-aware user modeling * Modeling routines * User behavior prediction * Design patterns for adaptive personal assistants * Recommender systems for daily activities * Methods and techniques for personal assistants * Novel applications based on user routines * Collaborative assistants for daily activities * Adaptive applications for urban services * Mobile and pervasive urban applications * Context-aware urban applications * Daily assistants for all * Usability and accessibility issues * Personalized and adaptive interfaces * Privacy and security issues in ubiquitous applications * Evaluation of adaptive mobile assistants * Case studies and experiences SUBMISSION FORMAT AND REVIEW PROCESS ==================================== All submissions must adhere to the Springer LNCS format, and be made through the EasyChair conference system. All articles selected for publication will be blind reviewed by at least two reviewers with expertise in the area. Participants can also send proposals of "key questions" in advance to be discussed during the workshop. Full papers: 10-12 pages. Short papers: 4-6 pages. Posters: 2 pages. VENUE ===== UMADR 2010 will be held at the Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Kona side of the Big Island of Hawaii. More detailed information can be found at the main conference web page (http://www.hawaii.edu/UMAP2010/) WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS ================== Dr. Estefania Martin - University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain Dr. Pablo A. Haya - University Autonoma de Madrid, Spain Dr. Rosa M. Carro - University Autonoma de Madrid, Spain CONTACT ======= Dr. Estefania Martin Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Department of Languages and Computer Systems I Ampliacion del Rectorado, Room 2027 Tulipan s/n 28933 Mostoles, Madrid Phone: + 34 91 488 8266 Fax:+ 34 91 488 7049 http://www.escet.urjc.es/~emartin/ E-mail: estefania.martin@urjc.es Dr. Pablo A. Haya Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Department of Computer Science, Room B-207 Tomas y Valiente, 11. EPS. Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid Phone: + 34 91 497 2267 Fax:+ 34 91 497 2235 http://www.eps.uam.es/~phaya E-mail: pablo.haya@uam.es Dr. Rosa M. Carro Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Department of Computer Science, Room B-318 Tomas y Valiente, 11. EPS. Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid Phone: + 34 91 497 2276 Fax:+ 34 91 497 2235 http://www.eps.uam.es/~rcarro E-mail: rosa.carro@uam.es |