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When Oct 10, 2017 - Oct 11, 2017
Where Istanbul-Turkey
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2017
Notification Due Jun 23, 2017
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2017
Categories    migration   sociologie   political science   international relations

Call For Papers

The second conference organized by the Research Center of Global Education and Culture of Yeditepe University will be conducted on the theme "International Migration in the XXIst century" with the participation of academicians and international migration specialists. The conference will take place on the 10-11 October 2017, in the Yeditepe University in Istanbul.

The topics of the conferences will be: international migration, the refugee problem, international migration and the security problem, illegal migration, smuggling of migrants, migration policies (at state and institutional level), brain drain, forced migration, labor migration, migration and culture, the integration of migrants, women and child migrants, diasporas and minorities, migration and development, etc. These topics are provided as an indication; any work falling under the theme "International Migration in XXIst century” will be welcome.

Submission guidelines

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 june 2017

Decision of the committee: 23 june 2017

Full texts should be sent (in English) in Word format until September 15th, 2017.

Conference languages: English and Turkish

Paper Proposals should include an abstract of no longer than 250 words and a brief author biography (max.250 words).

All abstracts will be published in the proceeding book of the conference. Selected ones will be published as a book chapter or as a special issue in an international journal.

Selected papers from the first conference realized in 2016, are in editing process by Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

Early Registration fee: 70 euro (Students: 50 euro) until July 17th, 2017

Late Registration Fee: 100 euro (July 18th- September 1st 2017)

Place: Yeditepe Üniversitesi, İnönü Mah. Kayışdağı Cad. 26 Ağustos Yerleşimi 34755 Ataşehir – Istanbul/Turkey

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