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HMOSNM 2019 : Online Social Networks and Media Journal Special Issue on Social and Human Mining with Online Social Networks and Media


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2019
Categories    NLP   social media

Call For Papers


Elsevier - Online Social Networks and Media Journal

Special Issue on Social and Human Mining with Online Social Networks and Media

Submission Deadline: April 1st, 2019

Manuscripts can be submitted continuously until the deadline. Once a paper is submitted, the review process will start immediately. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (in the first issue available as soon as the paper is accepted). All accepted papers will be listed together in an online virtual special issue published in the journal website.

Online Social Networks and Media have a high scientific and economic value because the big data collected from these platforms provide a sort of social microscope to investigate and understand human behavior and interests, both in the cyber and in the physical world. The digital footprints that people leave in OSNEM provide a unique source to investigate and understand (by exploiting data mining, machine learning and complex network techniques) people's behavior (e.g., mobility patterns, opinions and interests spreading, polarization), and societal phenomena (the epidemics spreading, the terrorist networks, the diffusion of opinions, the pulse of a city, the spread of fake news, etc.) and develop innovative services.

This special issue seeks high-quality scientific articles (both theoretical and experimental) and survey papers focusing on using OSNEM data for modeling and understanding the human and social behavior in the cyber and physical world.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Social media analysis and social analytics;
- Measurement, analysis and modeling of social behavior through OSNEM data;
- User behavior modeling with OSNEM data;
- Analysis of the use of OSNEM in the urban context;
- OSNEM data for Open Source Intelligence
- Multidisciplinary applications of OSNEM (economics, medicine, society, politics, homeland security, etc.);
- Dynamics of trends, information and opinion diffusion in OSNEM;
- Recommendations and advertising in OSNEM;
- Spread of news, topics, and opinions;
- Modelling and characterisation of societal debates and polarization in OSNEM;
- Influence analysis and social influence;
- Identification of diffusion sources and influencers;
- Establishment and perception of trust and reputation in OSNEM;
- Detection/containment of fake news and related sources;
- Modelling/analysis/countermeasures to formation of echo chambers;
- Methods to modify/control/maximise information and opinion diffusion;
- Data-driven approaches to study information and opinion diffusion in OSNEM;

Guest Editors
Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy
Andrea Passarella, IIT-CNR, Italy

*** Instructions for submission ***
Manuscripts must not have been previously published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Papers previously published in conference proceedings are eligible for submission if the submitted manuscript is a substantial revision and extension of the conference version. In this case, authors should indicate the previous publication(s) in the cover letter and are also required to submit their published conference article(s) and a summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal version.
The submission website for this journal is located at Please select "Research Paper" when you reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified, for consideration by the special issue, the authors should indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript has been submitted for the special issue on Information and Opinion Diffusion in Online Social Networks and Media.

For further information, please contact the guest editors at {m.conti,a.passarella} at

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