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BodysenseUx @Ubicomp'16 2016 : Workshop on Full-Body and Multisensory Experience BodySenseUx16 - workshop at @Ubicomp2016


When Sep 12, 2016 - Sep 12, 2016
Where Heidelberg, Germany
Submission Deadline Jun 20, 2016
Notification Due Jun 28, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 5, 2016
Categories    multisensory interaction   ubiquitous and pervasive compu   full-body interaction

Call For Papers

In the ubiquitous computing era, where people can seamlessly access with huge quantity of digital information, most interactions are still performed through graphical user interfaces, which limit the number of human senses and abilities involved. This workshop aims at discussing the rich possibilities that the body offers us to experience the external world and the prospects that arise for the interaction designers when these often-neglected abilities are taken into account. In particular, the workshop will focus on the rediscovery of the five senses, either alone or in a multimodal combination, and of the perceptual-motor abilities of our body. We encourage the participation of young practitioners but also more experienced researchers from different backgrounds (design, engineering, computing, arts, social sciences, neurosciences, ergonomics, etc.), with previous experience in multisensory interaction, full-body interaction or embodied cognition. Following the success of the first BodySenseUX workshops at UbiComp’15 and TEI’16, this will be a one-day or half-day* workshop of discussions and hands-on activities, focused on physically experiencing our body and senses. At the beginning of the workshop, participants will have the possibility to briefly present and discuss with the other attendees their research. During the next phases of the workshop, participants will have the possibilities to explore and rediscover their sensorimotor abilities through several exercises and games. Interdisciplinary groups will be challenged to design and develop new interaction experience concepts using our natural ‘tools’ as prototyping tools. Ready-to-use prototyping materials will be provided.

People interested in participating to the workshop are kindly requested to send an expression of interest to fullbodysenseux (at) gmail (dot) com, specifying if they would like to submit a paper or only to attend the workshop*

The workshop topics include but are not limited to:
Theory and ground knowledge on multisensory experiences
Embodied cognition theory and applications
Traditionally recognized five senses: hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste
Unconventional senses: proprioception, tactile, spatial-audio interaction, etc.
Innovative technologies and applications for interacting through senses and motor abilities
Full-body interaction
Bodily play interaction
Gestural interaction
Sensory emotional design
Multisensory branding
Multisensory product design
Multisensory games and media

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